In 2805, Earth is covered in garbage due to decades of mass consumerism facilitated by the megacorporation Buy 'N Large. BnL evacuated Earth's population in fully automated starliners in 2105, leaving behind trash compactor
Waste Allocation Load Lifter – Earth Class “WALL-E” robots to clean the
planet, but they eventually stopped operating and Earth was left
abandoned. One WALL-E unit has managed to remain active by repairing
itself using parts from other broken units. It has also developed sentience,
as with its regular duties it inquisitively collects artifacts of human
civilization back to its storage truck home, has befriended a cockroach and enjoys listening to Hello, Dolly!
One day, WALL-E discovers and collects a growing seedling
plant. A spaceship later lands and deploys Extraterrestrial Vegetation
Evaluator or “EVE”, an advanced robot sent from the BnL starliner Axiom to search for vegetation on Earth. Inspired by Hello, Dolly!,
WALL-E falls in love with the initially cold and hostile EVE and wishes
to join hands with her, who gradually softens and befriends him. When
WALL-E brings EVE to his truck and showcases his collection, she finds
the plant and automatically stores it, going into standby mode
for retrieval from her ship. WALL-E spends time with EVE while she is
on standby. He then clings to the hull of EVE's ship as it collects and
returns her to the Axiom.
On the Axiom, the ship's original human passengers and their descendants have suffered from severe bone loss and become morbidly obese after centuries of living in microgravity
and relying on the ship's automated systems for most tasks. Captain B.
McCrea, in charge of the ship, mostly leaves control to the robotic autopilot Auto. WALL-E follows EVE to the bridge of the Axiom, where the Captain learns that by putting the plant in the spaceship holo-detector and verifying Earth is habitable again, the Axiom will make a hyperjump
back to Earth so the passengers can recolonize. However, Auto orders
McCrea's robotic assistant GO-4 to steal the plant as part of its no return
directive, secretly issued to autopilots after BnL incorrectly
concluded in 2110 that the planet could not be saved and humanity should
remain in space.
With the plant missing, EVE is considered defective
and taken to the repair ward along with WALL-E. WALL-E mistakes the
process on EVE for torture and tries to save her, accidentally releasing
a horde of malfunctioning robots, while the security systems then
designate both WALL-E and EVE as rogue. Angry with WALL-E's disruptions,
EVE brings him to the escape pod
bay to send him home. There they witness GO-4 dispose of the missing
plant by placing it inside a pod set to self-destruct. WALL-E enters the
pod, which is then jettisoned into space, escaping with the plant before the pod explodes. Reconciling with EVE, they celebrate with a dance in space outside the Axiom.
Meanwhile the Captain, learning from the ship's computer, becomes
fascinated about life on Earth before its pollution and abandoment.
The plant is brought to the captain, who surveys EVE's recordings of
Earth and concludes that mankind must return to restore their home.
However, Auto reveals his directive, staging a mutiny by tasering
WALL-E, incapacitating EVE and confining the captain to his quarters.
EVE realizes the only parts for repairing WALL-E are in his truck on
Earth, so she helps him bring the plant to the holo-detector to activate
the Axiom's hyperjump.
Captain McCrea opens the holo-detector while fighting with Auto and
causing chaos on the ship, but Auto partially crushes WALL-E by closing
the holo-detector on him. After McCrea disables Auto and takes back
control, EVE places the plant in the holo-detector, freeing the severely
damaged WALL-E and setting the Axiom on the instant hyperjump to Earth. The human population finally lands back on Earth after hundreds of years.
EVE brings WALL-E back to his home where she successfully repairs and
reactivates him, but he reverts to his original programming as an
unfeeling waste compactor. Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL-E a farewell kiss
that jolts back WALL-E's memory and personality. WALL-E and EVE happily
reunite as the humans and robots of the Axiom begin to restore Earth and its environment, shown through a series of artworks at the end.